Metro Weekly

Dallas Overwatch League releases player following homophobic slurs

The player was also suspended for racially disparaging language last week

A scene from the Overwatch trailer – Photo: Blizzard Entertainment.

The Dallas Overwatch team announced Sunday that it has released a player from its roster that had multiple suspensions for homophobic and racially charged comments, reports PC Gamer.

The Overwatch League is a competitive tournament for the video game Overwatch, which was released in 2016 by Blizzard Entertainment.

Félix Lengyel, who goes by the gamer tag “xQc”, is reported to have mutually agreed to part ways with The Dallas Fuel after being suspended twice in the league’s inaugural season — first for homophobic remarks against an opponent and later for using racially disparaging language and emotes in competition.

“There are few players out there who have achieved as much success in as short a time as Félix has in competitive Overwatch. Ultimately, it was in the best interest of our organization and Félix to part ways before the expiration of his contract,” said Dallas Fuel owner Mike Rufail in a statement.

Lengyel, who played main tank for the Fuel, was suspended and fined $2,000 back in January after using a homophobic insult directed at Houston Outlaws player Austin “Muma” Wilmot after the Fuel lost in a 4-0 match.

“No, you didn’t smoke shit. Shut your fucking mouth,” Lengyel said in a stream. “Go back there, suck a fat cock. I mean, he would like that.”

The only openly gay player in the league, Wilmot said in his own stream that he wasn’t bothered by the remark, but described Lengyel as a “homophobic piece of garbage.” 

Lengyel later apologized on Twitter, which Wilmot accepted, but both the Fuel and Overwatch League followed through with disciplinary action.

This week, Lengyel was fined $4,000 because he “used disparaging language against Overwatch League casters and fellow players on social media and on his personal stream,” the Overwatch League said in a statement.

Lengyel said during a stream early this month that the emote was a meme used by more Twitch users than him and said that the reports are a part of a personal campaign against him.

He also called the Overwatch League casters “cancer” in a quickly deleted tweet which he apologized for later.

Lengyel has not publicly responded since his ousting, but he has retweeted a tweet that said “now xQc can meme and shit talk as much as he wants, he’s free now.”

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