The arrival of a new Annie Lennox album is a joyous occasion, though joyous is not a word that rolls off the tongue when speaking...
We call them ''suits. '' You know, the businessmen with the cellular telephones attached permanently to their inner ear, briefcase in hand, rattling off policy...
The comic book is officially called The Incredible Hulk. The movie is called, simply, Hulk. A wise decision. Because to include the word incredible in...
''I thought they made spectacle of themselves, frankly. I thought it was dumb. '' Fred Ebb -- one half of the famed Broadway musical team...
Much is made of the explosion of gay and lesbian characters on TV these days: the semi-charming Will & Grace, the potent Six Feet Under,...
CHART WATCH… It's summertime and the sun is finally peeking out from the clouds. That's a good enough reason to get out, get up and...
It's been eight years since Pixar unleashed Toy Story, the first full-length computer animated feature film, on the world, and what a wild, whimsical ride...
American cities have carried on a love affair with gays and lesbians for much of the past thirty years. It's no secret that cities covet...
Tunesmith: Smith as Kleban Chances are you've never heard of Ed Kleban. But after seeing A Class Act, chances are extraordinarily good that you'll never...
THIS WEEKEND, DANCE... You don't have to leave the comforts of your own stereo to enjoy dance music, but this weekend you'll want to. The...
She's the one that we want: Cho. Margaret Cho can't be stopped. At 34 years old, she's spent half a life hopping from stage to...
Danny takes self-involvement to numbing levels, while Yossi & Jagger delights with true romance One of the problems with narcissism as a character trait is...
Robbie Williams and Jay-Jay Johanson are finding it a challenge to make it in America, but remain popular in the gay arena Robbie Williams Escapology...
Best-selling gay author William J. Mann may have a reputation for scripting steamy narratives, but he has a confession to make. ''Sometimes sex scenes are...
Despite occasional lapses into political diatribes, the core romance of Soldier's Girl fuels a tragic story The problem with political rants is they get pretty...