Metro Weekly

Arts + Entertainment

  • Annie's Songs

    The arrival of a new Annie Lennox album is a joyous occasion, though joyous is not a word that rolls off the tongue when speaking...

  • Endurance Test

    We call them ''suits. '' You know, the businessmen with the cellular telephones attached permanently to their inner ear, briefcase in hand, rattling off policy...

  • Big Green Machine

    The comic book is officially called The Incredible Hulk. The movie is called, simply, Hulk. A wise decision. Because to include the word incredible in...

  • Ebb's Tide

    ''I thought they made spectacle of themselves, frankly. I thought it was dumb. '' Fred Ebb -- one half of the famed Broadway musical team...

  • Sex Hits Six

    Much is made of the explosion of gay and lesbian characters on TV these days: the semi-charming Will & Grace, the potent Six Feet Under,...

  • Soundwaves

    CHART WATCH… It's summertime and the sun is finally peeking out from the clouds. That's a good enough reason to get out, get up and...

  • Sea Worthy

    It's been eight years since Pixar unleashed Toy Story, the first full-length computer animated feature film, on the world, and what a wild, whimsical ride...

  • Living Inharmonious

    American cities have carried on a love affair with gays and lesbians for much of the past thirty years. It's no secret that cities covet...

  • Singular Senstion

    Tunesmith: Smith as Kleban Chances are you've never heard of Ed Kleban. But after seeing A Class Act, chances are extraordinarily good that you'll never...

  • Soundwaves

    THIS WEEKEND, DANCE... You don't have to leave the comforts of your own stereo to enjoy dance music, but this weekend you'll want to. The...

  • Cho Time

    She's the one that we want: Cho. Margaret Cho can't be stopped. At 34 years old, she's spent half a life hopping from stage to...

  • The Good and the Bad

    Danny takes self-involvement to numbing levels, while Yossi & Jagger delights with true romance One of the problems with narcissism as a character trait is...

  • Ambiguously Gay

    Robbie Williams and Jay-Jay Johanson are finding it a challenge to make it in America, but remain popular in the gay arena Robbie Williams Escapology...

  • Mann's Men

    Best-selling gay author William J. Mann may have a reputation for scripting steamy narratives, but he has a confession to make. ''Sometimes sex scenes are...

  • A Soldier's Story

    Despite occasional lapses into political diatribes, the core romance of Soldier's Girl fuels a tragic story The problem with political rants is they get pretty...