Metro Weekly

Arts + Entertainment

  • Tricky Dicks

    Puppetry of the Penis marks the latest evolution in appendage exploitation -- and the male member will never be the same. The show is simple,...

  • Toiletries

    Alyson Hannigan has American Wedding's funniest line. Watching in disbelief as the crass, crude, lewd, sexually motivated Steve Stifler (Seann William Scott) engages in an...

  • Gay Dreaming

    If you're insecure and scare easily, Hollywood isn't the town for you. That's the sobering message behind Gay Hollywood, a powerful new documentary from AMC...

  • Parched Paper

    Look up ''dry '' in the thesaurus, and you will find almost fifty synonyms for the word. Dry as moistureless: barren, drained, juiceless, shriveled, thirsty....

  • Blurred Vision

    The gimmick worked. The addition of 3D to the apparently annual Spy Kids series of movies brought the film in at number one last weekend...

  • Dumbing Down

    Thalia Mass outrage would result if the makers of Corona-brand beer altered the recipe of their mega-popular Mexican brew. Americans can mostly stomach unaltered imported...

  • Urban Legends

    In the mid-eighties, photographer Jim Goldberg began work on what would eventually become Raised by Wolves, an insightful photo exposé capturing the lives of homeless...

  • Unconditionally Awful

    Unconditional Love is one of those strange, wretched made-for-TV movies that leaves one asking that familiar Hollywood question: What on earth were they smoking? The...

  • Soundwaves

    DIAL 1-900-DIXALOT… From the land of Big Butts comes word of new material (or new ass-ets, as it were). Remember Sir Mix-A-Lot? Eleven years ago,...

  • Trickery

    BOY MEETS BOY It's amazing how truly awful television can be. Just when you think it can't get any worse, Bravo brings us Boy Meets...

  • Agent Zero

    Pity Rowan Atkinson. As gloriously funny as he is -- and he ranks up there with Sellers, Tati, Chaplin, and all the Pythons -- he...

  • Libations and Libidos

    At first glance, D.H. Lawrence and Tennessee Williams may not seem like two probable writers to present in rep: one serves up cold drinks, the...

  • Soundwaves

    ISO GAY COWBOY… We reported last month about gay porn star Jeff Stryker's coming full-frontal invasion of country music. He will release, with his band,...

  • Whined and Dined

    Like the food at any good restaurant, reality TV has to evolve to keep its viewers coming back for more. And who better to drive...

  • Soundwaves

    PEPSI POP'S POP… Dance pop can get no love. There are the periodic taunts from hyper-macho rock ‘n' rappers, and the frequent lashes from anti-pop...