Metro Weekly


  • 2009 DC Black Pride Calendar

    Events in this listing are current as of the time of publication. Check event listings at the hospitality suite at the Host Hotel. HOST HOTEL...

  • Pure Love on the Runway

    The Superfly Fashion Show, DC Black Pride's official fashion show event, starting at 8 p.m. on Friday, May 22, will feature a genuine commitment ceremony...

  • Lambda Sci-Fi

    Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica -- I'm just not a fan. But that didn't keep me from engaging in scintillating conversation with members of...

  • Gay District

    It's not easy meeting new gay friends. Yes there's the Internet, the bars and the clubs. But it can be tricky using those avenues to...

  • In Electric Company

    It's not easy for most, stripping down to your birthday suit with a group of strangers. ''It was very uncomfortable for about 10 minutes,'' says...

  • DC Front Runners

    If you're like me, you can't spend more than three or four minutes on a treadmill before becoming bored out of your mind. While there's...

  • Spa Hurrah

    Different skin types deserve different facials. But that doesn't mean you have to break out the cucumbers and mud when perfecting the right combination of...

  • DC Ice Breakers

    You don't have to be a pro to get in the rink with the DC Ice Breakers, a GLBT skating group that meets bi-monthly on...

  • DC Sentinels

    The boys on the team for the DC Sentinels, a local gay basketball team, are nice and easy to talk to off the court. Once...

  • Burgundy Crescent Volunteers

    Let's face it. It's not easy getting out of bed early on a Saturday to help Burgundy Crescent Volunteers, a local gay volunteer group. And...

  • Fit Versus Fear

    People are often motivated to get their bodies to a gym by looking at the ''before and after'' photos of the success stories. ''If he...

  • Stuck On You

    Maybe, before you came out of the closet, you got a tattoo to signify your eternal love for Heather, your date to the prom. Maybe...

  • Radical Faeries

    When Harry Hay, founder of the gay-pioneering Mattachine Society and a leftist, was called to appear before the House Un-American Activities Committee in the 1950s,...

  • Community Partners

    History. Vision. Legacy. A sense of our past. A plan for our future. A respect for our heritage. History. Vision. Legacy. Those are the ideals...

  • Transitioning to Tomorrow

    From its roots in the streets of Dupont Circle to Francis Field, from intimate neighborhood morning to an expanded evening parade, Capital Pride is nothing...