Metro Weekly


  • The Square Route

    Brian Jarvis and Kent Forrester with the Lambda Squares Regardless of where a person was raised, if that person is an American there's a pretty...

  • Gold Rush

    ''Oh, goddammit, fuckhead ass!'' Judy Gold's phone won't stop making loud bleeping noises. And it's getting on her nerves. And the one thing you don't...

  • M.A.L. 2008

    Chris Grasso It's impossible to be blasé the first time you walk around the host hotel or the grand, main performance space for the Centaur...

  • The Next Generation

    As Gary Samuels competed for the title of Mr. Mid-Atlantic Leather 2007 a year ago, he made a pledge to the judges and audience gathered...

  • Label Free

    Mindy Chateauvert doesn't do too well with labels. The 49-year-old identifies as a ''leather dyke'' when asked about her BDSM orientation. But Chateauvert's involvement among...

  • Beam Me Out!

    Floating through space -- further from us than Mars, but not so far as Jupiter -- there is a large piece of rock making its...

  • Scene 2007: The Year in Pictures

    JANUARY 11 · HRC's L Word Premiere Party Love Nightclub

  • Metro Weekly Reader's Digest

    JANUARY Where the GLBT community is concerned, 2007 was a sad year that began -- and ended -- with death. Most months included a notable...

  • 2008: The Year in Preview

    All dates are subject to change at each organizer's discretion. For more detailed information as the dates for events approach, contact each event organizer or...

  • Holiday Tidings

    Given the avaricious nature of the season -- when Santa treats everyone like a little baby Jesus, everybody wins -- it's no surprise that I...

  • Two Christmases

    In one of the more poignant moments of a motion picture that I hold dear -- a staple of my personal cinematic catalog -- there...

  • Xmas Fear

    This week I'll be heading to New Port Richey, Fla., to spend Christmas with my widowed mother who lives alone in a ''55 and older''...

  • Coverboy of the Year: Adam Dahl

    Adam Dahl When Adam Dahl and Metro Weekly last crossed paths in February he was still a newcomer to D.C. But the small-town Minnesota native...

  • First Runner-Up: Jhimy Diaz

    Jhimy Diaz Jhimy Diaz was 22 when he decided to leave his native Peru for ''a new life'' in the United States. And while he...

  • Second Runner-Up: Ben Heisler

    Ben Heisler Ben Heisler likes to live his life with full honesty -- and expects others to keep it real, too. And real, in his...