D.C. Black Lesbian and Gay Pride Day 2003, Sunday, May 25, Washington Convention Center A rainy weekend and a Code Orange security alert didn't stop...
Nob Hill has been around for 35 years. Robert Jones has owned it for the past 14. It's a perfect match. The Cozy Corner. The...
Photos by Michael Wichita Billy Bean may be in the middle of a long and overscheduled book tour, with speaking engagement and signing parties crowding...
Cherry 8 Main Event photographed by Michael Wichita Three solid nights of staying up till dawn. How did the throngs who flocked last weekend to...
The trees around the tidal basin hit their peak a few weeks ago, but there's one final cherry left to bloom this weekend -- Cherry...
When Jerry Herman left New York, his lifelong home, to move to Los Angeles more than a decade ago, he said he was retiring. And...
It wasn't enough. It wasn't enough for Phillip Pike to be a lawyer fighting for human rights. It wasn't enough to be a black gay...
Photographs by Michael Wichita At one point during Youth Pride Day last Saturday, a sudden updraft caught the tent that was covering the YPD Command...
Seven isn't just a lucky number. It's also a sign of how far things have come. Once again taking place on the greens of P...
Americans love a photo op, especially when it involves two of America's most hallowed institutions -- patriotism and heterosexuality. For many people, Life magazine snapshots...
My lovers suffocate me, Crowding my lips, thick in the pores of my skin, Jostling me through streets and public halls, coming naked to me...
Photography by Michael Wichita ''Don't let the elephants fool you, '' says Sheron Rosen, gesturing toward an array of pachyderm figurines standing in various parts...
If he has his druthers after August, Tom Judson may never stay in another hotel again as long he lives. Not after a year of...
Original Photography by Michael Wichita Gays in Congress, while not exactly a dime a dozen these days, are also not the anomaly they once were....
Things would be much easier if that proverbial apple a day really did keep the doctor away. But getting and staying healthy is, of course,...