Metro Weekly


  • Man in the Middle

    As a young boy in New Jersey, just about yay-tall, Jonathan Capehart knew exactly what he wanted to be when he grew up: a television...

  • The 7 Scariest Places in D.C.

    They lurk behind their innocent facades, waiting for the moment your sense of safety lulls you into complacence. They toil and fester as they plot...

  • Fighting to Save Our Youth

    Charles Robbins never attempted suicide. Growing up in Denver and struggling as a gay youth, however, Robbins found solace in alcohol. ''I remember my first...

  • Federal Questions

    Discussion of LGBT bullying and youth suicide has led to increased efforts by organizations and individuals to eliminate – or, at least, lessen – both....

  • Helping Hands

    ''It has been unbelievably painful to have these kind of daily reminders,'' Eliza Byard, executive director of the Gay and Lesbian Student Education Network (GLSEN),...

  • Homestyle

    Oddly, spring is the season when we open our homes to fresh air and embark on epic cleaning sprees to have our houses ready for......

  • True Colors

    Whatever you do, don’t ask David Bromstad to name his favorite color. “Impossible!” he exclaims. “That’s such an unfair question!” Who said life was fair,...

  • Fall Fixes

    Imagine you live in Miami. It’s hot in the summer. It can be pretty hot in the winter, too. And as far as seasonal variations...

  • Kitchen Is King

    You’ve decided that your kitchen or bathroom is due for a facelift. Where to start? Ernesto Santalla, of Studio Santalla, recommends starting with a design...

  • Seasonal Head Start

    As you say goodbye to your summer garden, now is the time to prepare your plot for full bloom in the spring. Frank Asher, a...

  • Everything in its Place

    As you’re looking around your home wondering how you ended up with so much stuff, you may be tempted to blame the clutter for keeping...

  • State of Play

    Mara Keisling, the executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, had a key legislative priority for the 111th

  • View from the Hill

    On April 21, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) called Get Equal's protest of a hearing held by House Education and Labor Committee Chairman George Miller (D-Calif.)...

  • Awaiting the Grand Gesture

    In the coming weeks and months, the Obama administration, through the Department of Justice, will face multiple decisions about whether and how to appeal trial...

  • Father Figure

    Joseph Palacios is a man of God. He's also a doctor of sociology, a Mexican American, a Fulbright scholar, a presidential appointee on the board...