Metro Weekly


  • To Be Frank

    Naturally, as a gay man running an LGBT magazine I'm always finding things in our coverage that make me pause and reflect, to remember what...

  • D.C. in the Red

    When I moved back East from Portland, Ore., I'd more or less had my fill of ''crunchiness.'' The guy I moved out there with had...

  • That Guy

    For much of my life, I've tried hard not to be that guy. You know that guy, the one who has a number of sincerely...

  • Golden Hour

    It was the ''golden hour'' of late afternoon on Nov. 3 during the viewing for gay rights pioneer Frank Kameny when I walked outside the...

  • Are We There Yet?

    So, yes, it's lamentable that political progress is generally a stop-and-go affair, with long stretches of frustration and ennui punctuated by momentary outbursts of excitement...

  • Pulling the Lever

    My first time going to vote was with my mother, a recollection that's gauzy enough to indicate that it was probably somewhere around 1974. The...

  • Kramer vs. Everyone

    Larry Kramer has kept his Cassandra act going for an awfully long time. To summarize: Why aren't you angrier? Why aren't you in the streets?...

  • Look Back in Anger

    If I had to choose the aspect of my own writing I like least, it would be my tendency to delve into optimistic cheerleading. The...

  • Billions of Babies

    Humanity has marked another milestone. We've not gone on to Mars or figured out how to create endless, cheap energy. Rather, our biologically programmed horniness...

  • Out With It

    For those of us who've been out for years, the delicate dance of the semi-closeted celebrity can be infuriating. The dance features a number of...

  • Kameny in Combat

    My first direct experience of Frank Kameny's combative style came during a gay rights debate that I arranged at Villanova University in March 1978 for...

  • Golden Years

    I've been thinking a lot lately about aging, mostly because it's something my body seems to be rapidly doing. Of course, much of this obsession...

  • Students First

    If a gay Ayn Rand club were to hold some sort of D.C. confab and I covered it, they could well come back and cry...

  • The Right's Food Fight

    Last weekend's Values Voter Summit was welcomed to D.C. by the Southern Poverty Law Center with a full-page ad in The Washington Post titled, ''Just...

  • Frank Kameny Wins

    In the sad hours that followed the Tuesday evening news that the legendary and indomitable Frank Kameny had died in his home at the age...