Metro Weekly


  • Family Ties

    It's that time of year again -- the ho-ho-holidays, the spend-yourself-silly countdown to December 25. I'm a sucker for a shopping mall any day of...

  • Campus Radicals, Past and Present

    This is where I came out as a brainy dyke teen in Birkenstock sandals, fountain pen dripping with feminist ink: Washington, D.C. in 1980, on...

  • Life with Pooh (and Piglet)

    Like many kids, I fell in love with the Winnie-the-Pooh literature when I was young and became enchanted with tales of Piglet (my favorite) and...

  • All the Trimmings

    I tend to forget, in the hustle-bustle thing called life, about the meaning and importance of days designated to reflect and honor and observe. Somehow...

  • Breast Wishes

    I'm a few hours away, as I write this, from my first mammogram. It's a procedure I've been thinking about for years as a gay...

  • Ex Caliber

         A giant ad in Monday's Washington Post -- it's a full page but somehow it looks bigger than the others -- touts an upcoming...

  • Home Sweet Home

    War is hell -- especially when you're particularly fond of the enemy. No, I'm not talking about al Qaeda or Iraq. I mean the war...

  • Traversing the Big C

         Ed is dying of pancreatic cancer. All year we've been getting e-mails about his diagnosis, then his prognosis, then his treatment progress, then his...

  • Stranger in a Straight Land

    There we sat in a staff meeting, all twelve of us, listening to the vice president for operations talk about kitchen upkeep.      "Every bottom...

  • Auntie Establishment

         The performance hall in my hometown is smaller than I remember it, but most things back there are. It's been at least 10 years...

  • And I Love Him

         When my friends and I were in the ninth grade, the bass player for the band Duran Duran announced plans to get married. There...

  • Greetings

    IMAGINE LOSING ONE'S CHILD. That's how the staff of Michael's Entertainment Weekly felt when, on April 11, 1994, the announcement came down from above that...