Number one, we’re not doing — I mean, we’re not sponsoring that here. we’re not running (ph) that here. I don’t even know where that...
Sitting in his doctor's office on June 2, Justin Smith breaks down and begins to cry. Just a few seconds earlier, when asked by his...
The Gay and Lesbian Liaison Unit (GLLU) of the Washington Metropolitan Police Department is reporting that two men from Maryland were attacked during a robbery...
Walker Chaffin flatly refuses to entertain the idea that it might rain during the 16th Annual Capital Classic Tournament. ''I refuse to think that there's...
Gathering Thursday, Sept. 4, at the Columbia Heights home of prominent D.C. couple Donald Hitchcock and Paul Yandura, members and supporters of The Center, the...
Pedaling from New York to D.C., 25 cyclists from across the United States are expected to finish a four-day, 330-mile bicycle ride in the District...
The nearly yearlong struggle to implement Montgomery County's anti-discrimination law inclusive of gender identity -- blocked by Citizens for Responsible Government (CRG) following the law's...
As summer winds down, few will be turning their thoughts so soon to next summer. Some, however, have June 2009 squarely in their sights --...
Photo of the glass face of the Havens Corner Church sign. Apparently it was hit with grafitti in response to the conservative religious organization’s earlier...
‘The court gave a ringing endorsement to the principle that ordinary citizens have the right to challenge and test the validity of a petition submitted...
”There is no logical or common sense reason why taxpayer-funded public libraries should make available every latest ‘gay’-affirming book — including those designed to open...
”Contrary to every child welfare principle, the gay adoption ban operates as a conclusive or irrebuttable presumption that . . . it is never in...
”It was just interesting, because everyone thought, ‘Oh, how cute! A lady OBGYN is moving into town. How sweet.’ As some of these media things...
”My own sadness with what appears to be an obsession with human sexuality is the fact that the world is hurting, the world is hungry,...
”You’ll be encouraged by the power of God’s love and His desire to transform the lives of those impacted by homosexuality.” From an insert of...