Metro Weekly

News + Politics

  • Cherry Date

    The wait for Cherry just got longer. The Cherry Fund announced Tuesday, Nov. 14, that its signature fundraising party will move from spring -- the...

  • Youth Movement

    ''Not Gay is also OK.'' ''Change is possible!'' ''You don't have to be gay.'' Those are just a few slogans that so-called ''ex-gay'' groups are...

  • Home-Grown Victories

    On Election Day 2006, two states leapt to the forefront with two pro-GLBT victories: Arizona became the first state to defeat a proposed constitutional amendment...

  • Scrolling in Scrubs

    I can't remember the last decision I made, or the last piece of knowledge I affirmed, without using the World Wide Webbery, the George W....

  • Holiday Help

    In the 12 years that Craig Shniderman has worked as the Executive Director of Food & Friends, an organization that prepares, packages and delivers food...

  • Honor Role

    The headstone above Leonard P. Matlovich's grave at the Congressional Cemetery in Southeast D.C. does not include his name. It simply reads ''A Gay Vietnam...

  • Win Some, Lose Some

    While the Democrats made gains by taking the U.S. House of Representatives Tuesday, the country's gay community got handed a mixed bag of results. The...

  • Got a Minute?

    I routinely form irrationally concrete opinions about things that I barely understand. I'm opposed to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's proposal to ban trans...

  • Room to Grow

    The glut of gifting holidays may be some weeks off, but The Center, ''Home for GLBT in Metro DC,'' announced an early present Oct. 19....

  • Family Planning

    It's only November, but Annie Shaw, director of Whitman-Walker Clinic's Lesbian Services Program, is already holding a hefty waiting list for the January session of...

  • With Open Eyes

    If not the morning after the election, then soon thereafter, we will all move from the false certitudes and pretended stark choices of the political...

  • Back of the Bus

    It has happened again, and it's going to keep happening. A Minneapolis bus driver recently complained that an advertisement for a gay magazine that ran...

  • Community Advice

    Safe schools and cultural competency are two of four areas deemed important by a mayoral panel for the D.C. government to focus on as it...

  • No Welcome Wagon

    Howard Daniel's phone has been ringing continuously for the past several days. His e-mail inbox has well over 1,000 messages, and while not all of...

  • ATLAS Shrugs

    Mark Lee is not the bogeyman. He is not lurking around the district's many alleys handing out cigarettes to underage teens. But Lee says his...