[Photo: Lee Badgett, left, and Kylar Broadus are seated as Sens. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), right, and Al Franken (D-Minn.) introduce themselves to Sam Bagenstos, third...
The April 20 decision by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that the federal law banning sex discrimination in the workplace includes discrimination based on gender...
On Friday, April 27, Stuart Ishimaru stepped down from his post as one of five commissioners on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The bipartisan panel...
Within two weeks of President Obama’s April 11 decision not to pursue an executive order banning federal contractors from discriminating on the basis of sexual...
An employer who discriminates against an employee or applicant on the basis of the person's gender identity is violating the prohibition on sex discrimination contained...
Mia Macy is a veteran and police officer, married to the woman she met in her teens, who wanted to take a job as a...
King & Spalding employees are barred from advocating for the Respect for Marriage Act — the bill that would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act...
All of King & Spalding's employees – lawyers and non-lawyers – are barred from advocating for the Respect for Marriage Act – the bill that...
ADVENTURE THEATRE Glen Echo Park7300 MacArthur Blvd.Glen Echo, Md.301-634-2270adventuretheatre.org Spot’s Birthday Party — Based on the books by Eric Hill and adapted for the stage...
1708 GALLERY 319 West Broad St.Richmond, Va.804-643-17081708gallery.org SECAC/MACAA Juried Members Exhibition — An exhibition in conjunction with a joint gathering of the Southeastern College Art...
BORDERS BOOKSTORES Various locationsborders.com John Prendergast — The human rights activist co-wrote The Enough Moment with actor Don Cheadle to reveal the steps being taken...
There were expectations that Republicans would challenge openly gay EEOC nominee Chai Feldblum Thursday over some of her writings. Those writings included how non-discrimination laws...
”It is especially gratifying that the court has ruled that discriminating against someone for transitioning is illegal. I knew all along that the 25 years...
Red October used to be a fictional Soviet submarine. This fall it was applied to the heat wave in the eastern United States. I think...