Metro Weekly

Search results for "gay gene"

  • Family Ties

    When it comes to gay and lesbian families, the past year has seen a bit of bunny business. You may remember last year when Buster...

  • The Kids Are Not Alright

    There was a full house of about 150 people in the Human Rights Campaign's Equality Forum space April 5. It was a ''who's who'' of...

  • Trans-American

    When Ruby Corado arrived in the Washington area as an immigrant from El Salvador, she was a teenager. She was also male. ''What marked the...

  • Log Cabin's Councillor

    In the middle of March, new members were sworn-in for the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA). Considering the epidemic's disproportionate infection rate in the...

  • Joe Solmonese

    ''This weekend is all about the election.'' As almost 200 people are streaming into D.C. for the Human Rights Campaign's annual spring meeting, Joe Solmonese...

  • Naked Launch

    How you respond to Failure to Launch depends on a number of factors: Your mood at the time of theater entry. Your general disposition toward...

  • Soundwaves

    Deep Dish DANCE AWARDS GO DEEP... Previous Grammy winner Deep Dish failed to grab a Grammy this year, but the International Dance Music Awards is...

  • FAIR's Fair?

    Much of the reaction to the Supreme Court's 8-0 decision in Rumsfeld v. FAIR to uphold the Solomon Amendment has been ill-informed. Commentators, especially in...

  • First To Go

    Two big steps were made over the weekend toward the transformation of the area of Southeast D.C. that is home to a number of long-time...

  • The Cost of 'Don't Ask Don't Tell'

    A new study from the University of California estimates the financial costs of the military's ''Don't Ask, Don't Tell'' policy, under which more than 10,000...

  • Household Hell

    There are generally a few more ''firsts'' for a gay man than for his hetero counterpart. The straight boy can lose his virginity in --...

  • Cracked

    Summer of 2003 changed everything for Lucas Zarwell. The forensic scientist was satisfying his creative side, assembling a one-time variety show with Cherry Red's avant-garde...

  • Birthday Suit

    Chi Chi La Rue may have shot a porn film called Striptease on location at D.C.'s Wet nightclub, but like so many films, the fantasy...

  • Bolton's Strange Bedfellows

    While global frictions between Western powers and Iran stemming from Iran's nuclear ambitions are grabbing headlines daily, behind the scenes Iran has found common ground...

  • Badly Aimed Boycott

    In a Jan. 9 email to members of the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission's International Advisory Committee, IGLHRC Executive Director Paula Ettelbrick and...