Metro Weekly

Search results for "gay gene"

  • Outing the Ex

    ''It would be really easy for me to blast the ex-gay ministry hard, '' says Peterson Toscano of his one-man show Doin' Time in the...

  • Raucous Caucus

    It isn't often that I hear a reference to my home state that includes a certain expletive not suited for printing in a family publication...

  • Soundwaves

    Tribal Pleasures AY, GAY TRIBAL PAPIS… The publicist sent out what was in effect an all-points bulletin: “Both Angel C and T-Pro are gay and...

  • Truly Yours

    Dear Lena, I'm nearly 40! I haven't had a relationship for about eight years. Honestly, I'm not really looking for one. I rarely go out....

  • Play Time

    ''This is a real boy beater.'' Patti Brown hoists a large wooden plank. The short end has been molded to comfortably fit the contours of...

  • Mark Lee

    Photography by Todd Franson If you have an e-mail account, chances are good you've gotten an Atlas E-mail Alert from Mark Lee. And if you've...

  • The Best and Worst Films of 2003

    1. LORD OF THE RINGS: RETURN OF THE KING -- Peter Jackson's finale to the J.R.R. Tolkien classic was everything it needed to be: epic,...

  • Coverboy First Runner-Up

    Photography by Jeff Code In a town filled with career-building job hoppers, it may seem an accomplishment to stay with one employer for five years....

  • Welcome Back

    You've got to give her credit. Ellen DeGeneres just refuses to give up. Misfortune be damned, she's going to have a career in television. And...

  • Hey, Santa!

    Oh, Santa baby, have we been good! Patiently waiting year after year for some kind of recognition that our relationships count, we've braved homophobia and...

  • Parental Guidance

    Photography by Todd Franson ''I certainly didn't take this job for any notions about limelight or attention on me. As a person, I'm more of...

  • Soundwaves

    BEMOANING MTV… This week we thought we had good news to share with those who've ever bemoaned the lack of outlets to see dance music...

  • Smart Charity

    The holiday season has arrived. For many of us, the holidays mean too much food, too much shopping and, at times, too much family. But...

  • Song of the Quilt

    Photographs by Todd Franson The Lesbian and Gay Chorus of Washington and D.C.'s Different Drummers on their first full rehearsal, Tuesday, November 18th, 2003. ''When...

  • Far From Over

    It's been a long time since the first World AIDS Day in 1988. In those earlier days of the epidemic, it was one of many...