Metro Weekly

AGLA Welcomes Fairfax Pride President

Brian Reach to discuss possible NoVa Pride and other topics at Sept. 15 forum

The Arlington Gay & Lesbian Alliance (AGLA) will host a community forum Sunday, featuring guest speaker Brian Reach, president of Fairfax Pride. The event will explore Reach’s vision for a Northern Virginia Pride and building coalitions to push for progress on issues of concern to the LGBT community.

Reach is also expected to address a number of other topics, including the need for more HIV-testing outreach in Northern Virginia, anti-bullying efforts in schools, and voter registration as a tool to mobilize LGBT people and their allies.

Admission to the forum is free, but attendees are encouraged to bring travel-sized toiletries or nonperishable food items to donate as part of the organization’s ongoing service projects benefiting the Arlington Street People’s Assistance Network (A-SPAN), an organization providing services for Arlington’s homeless population, and the Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC) food bank.

AGLA’s community forum will be held Sunday, Sept. 15, from 3 to 5 p.m., at the Arlington County Central Library Auditorium, 1015 N. Quincy Street, in Arlington. For more information, visit or the event’s Facebook page.

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