Metro Weekly

Wine before beer, how queer…

Hearsay remembers its first like it was last weekend, and no, it doesn’t mean mutual lollipop licking at the Fireplace — though there’s no better way to let someone know you like him than to stick out your tongue and lick until he’s blue. No, Hearsay’s first was nearly four years ago, when Hearsay got with a gaggle of gays who gathered at the otherwise very straight Nick’s Riverside Grille at Washington Harbor. It was a gaggle led by Amy ”Humpin” Mulry, Karl ”Jumpin”’ Jones and Chris “Bumpin” Trott, organizers of the Guerilla Queer Bar DC , the people who like to mix it up. Can you believe they’ve been shaking straights, not stirring them, for four years now? And to celebrate the fourth anniversary, they’re mixing it up even more, by first going to just one of the many new wine bars in town, Veritas, and then finishing the night at the straightest of the straight bars in probably the straightest part of party town DC, Adam’s Morgan’s Heaven and Hell. The group’s one-way listserv — how straight is that? — all-but promises that without either interns or spring breakers in town, all three floors of the club should be more gay heaven then hell — though technically upstairs is Heaven, while downstairs, where they shoot pool and play punk and rap, is, uh, Hell. The takeover fun starts at 2031 Florida Avenue at 9 p.m., then moves to 2327 18th Street at 10 p.m….

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