Metro Weekly

Meet Carrie Prejean, your new Anita Bryant: Gay marriage goes against ”my children’s children”

”This vision of marriage is not hateful. It’s not discriminatory. It’s good…. Unless we bring men and women together, children will not have mothers and fathers. I do not want to raise my own children where this traditional view of marriage is considered hateful or discriminatory, especially by my own government…. This is not about me, it’s about the future of marriage. It’s about my children and my children’s children. And, um, it’s about me standing up for something I’m passionate about.”

Carrie Prejean, a beauty queen from California who has quickly become the spokesperson for the fight against gay people having marriage equality. Today she appeared at the National Press Club in Washington, DC as the face for National Organization for Marriage, also known as the anti-gay rights organization of conservative pundit Maggie Gallagher. Her controversial career move began after she lost the Miss USA pageant last week. Prejean has taken to the stage at church and on numerous news programs to repeat her message that same-sex marriage is wrong and also to state that people are not born gay, ”It’s a behavior that develops over time.(Fox News via YouTube)

”As far as my cameo, I appreciate them emphasizing my point that when debating the merits of this issue they only have lies on which to rely.”

Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign, reacting to the inclusion of his voice and image in a new advertisment launched today by Maggie Gallagher and Carrie Prejean, called ”No Offense.” The title is a take-off of Prejean’s religiously motivated statement against gay marriage rights at the Miss USA pageant earlier this month. (NY Times)

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