Metro Weekly

Schroer awarded $500K in transgender discrimination lawsuit against Library of Congress

”They are hugely underemployed, at best. If they are fortunate enough to get something, it’s well below their capabilities. It’s not just about money, it’s about knowing you are a valuable person.”

Diane Schroer, a transgender female who just won her lawsuit against the Library of Congress in Maryland after she was offered an important position as a man but was then denied when she stated openly that she would be transitioning. (Associated Press)

”I served our country because I believed in an America that is committed to ensuring everyone has an equal opportunity to have a meaningful life. That belief was shaken when I was told I wasn’t worthy to do what I trained my entire life to do because I happen to be transgender. Today’s decision restores my faith in our democracy. The court understood the senseless harm that is caused by discrimination, and that gives me hope that others will also.”

Diane Schroer, as quoted in an ACLU press release, remarking on her newly awarded $491,190 for back pay and emotional pain and suffering caused by staff at the Library of Congress who refused to hire her solely because she was about to transition from male to female gender. (ACLU)

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