Metro Weekly

Gay billboard destroyed in Memphis: New visibility campaign featured gay marine

”I know that they intended to silence us with hate. However, we are choosing to unite and come over that with a stronger voice, and a message that we are here – and we deserve equality as well as everyone else.”

Heidi Williams of the Memphis Gay and Lesbian Community Center responding to the vandalism of a billboard that featured a gay marine, Tim Smith, saluting and the words, ”I’m gay and I protected your freedom.” (WMCTV)

”That billboard is going to get a lot of reaction. There’s a wow factor to it. That man was about 20 days away from being shipped to Iraq when he was kicked out under the military’s ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy. There’s a constant battle for gay and lesbian people in the military. They’re asked to be honest and honorable, but they have to be dishonest about who they are.”

Will Batts of the Memphis Gay and Lesbian Community Center speaking with the media about a series of billboards placed around the area to promote the center, visibility and coming out. Just a few days later, the billboard that Batts was discussing was completely ripped down. (Memphis Flyer)

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