Metro Weekly

Theater Thursday! The Walworth Farce at Studio Theatre!

Two brothers and an innocent stranger are held hostage by a despotic father in Enda Walsh’s The Walworth Farce — and the audience doesn’t escape easily, either. As Dinny, the father, Ted van Griethuysen may be the most tyrannical man you’ve ever seen on stage. Van Griethuhsen’s evil portrayal is nearly as squirm-inducing as Heath Ledger’s Joker in The Dark Knight. As it goes on and on with no end in sight, you end up giving up caring about what’s going to happen, because you just know nothing good will come of it. When the play finally reaches a mostly satisfying climax, it ultimately comes too late. With this level of torture, all you want to do is flee and never look back. Closes this Sunday, May 1. Studio Theatre, 14th & P Streets NW. Call 202-332-3300 or visit

Read Doug Rule’s full review here.

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