Metro Weekly

Editor’s Pick: Bootycandy


“The work should be work,” admonishes gay playwright-director Robert O’Hara’s semi-autobiographical avatar in Bootycandy, a collection of 10 short plays receiving a snazzy, saucy world-premiere production at Woolly Mammoth. Featuring an impeccable cast, Bootycandy is a bracingly in-your-face provocation — with full-on nudity — that is as comfortable and confident drawing hearty laughs from minstrel-esque racial stereotypes as it is hurtling headfirst into disturbing realms of human desire and cruelty. Bootycandy is work — for the actors, for the audience — but it feels like playtime for everyone. Closes this Sunday, July 3. Woolly Mammoth, 641 D St. NW. Tickets range from $30 to $65. Call 202-393-3939 or visit

Read Jonathan Padget’s full review here.

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