Metro Weekly

Etsy releases uplifting holiday ad featuring Black gay couple

The sweet commercial features a gay couple meeting family members for the first time

etsy, gay, couple, christmas, holiday
Photo: Etsy

Etsy has released a new holiday commercial featuring a Black gay couple being accepted by family members.

The ad, part of the e-commerce site’s “Gift Like You Mean It” campaign, features couple Brandon and David as they head home at Christmas to meet one of the men’s relatives, the Advocate reports.

Standing nervously on the doorstep, one tells the other, “Don’t worry, they’re going to love you.”

Inside, it’s a traditional holiday scene, as the men are welcomed in and sat at the table with the other members of the family.

An elder family member later approaches the couple while presents are being handed out, saying, “We didn’t forget about you. Welcome to the family.”

He then presents the couple with a customized Christmas tree ornament, featuring their names and likenesses — which is subsequently placed alongside similar ornaments of other family members.

Etsy’s ad comes after cookie company Oreo was threatened with a boycott for creating its own heartwarming ad featuring a same-sex couple.

Released alongside a new partnership with LGBTQ support organization PFLAG, Oreo’s “Proud Parent” featured celebrated a lesbian couple visiting one of the women’s family, and included a father showing his support in truly spectacular fashion.

But the ad, which also coincided with limited edition Rainbow Oreo cookies, drew condemnation from conservative outrage group One Million Moms, which demanded people boycott Oreo for supporting the “homosexual agenda.”

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