Metro Weekly

All posts by Sean Bugg

  • Love Game

    When I picked up a racquet for the first time in 16 years and joined a gay tennis league, I set my expectations low. Basically,...

  • Blu Clues

    Sony learned something in the 1980s when its Beta format lost the videocassette wars to rival VHS. Namely, always bring a bazooka to a knife...

  • Get Cooking!

    The day will come when you'll want to know what to do with that rutabaga. Whether you're new to the possibilities of your home kitchen...

  • Life is a mystery

    “I think ‘Queer Nation’ and ‘Diva’ just go together. The diva in them recognized the diva in me.”  –Madonna on what it’s like to be one...

  • Gaydar Detector

    We have our gay music, gay design, gay movies and gay clothing -- all suitably fabulous, of course. We have gay houses, gay neighborhoods and...

  • Gears

    As a younger, more inexperienced man, I often dismissed Volkswagens as a collection of odd bugs and rabbits, with a hippie van tossed in for...

  • The Palette of Life

    Finding her Capitol Hill row house was a dream come true for Santa Lia Jones. Literally. A native Washingtonian, Jones grew up on the southeast...

  • Mini Car, Maxi Fun

    Few driving experiences are as distinctive as being behind the wheel of a Mini Cooper. Much vaunted for its ''go kart'' feel, the Mini encourages...

  • Book Keeping

    Should a walking, talking tree from The Wizard of Oz or, perhaps, The Lord of the Rings, enter my house, I expect that within a...

  • Can't Stop the Music

    You know you want to be a rock star, whether you're the type who sings in the shower, plays some surreptitious air guitar or taps...

  • What IS Is

    When it comes to the Lexus line-up of sedans, the best things tend to arrive in the largest -- and smallest -- packages. And while...

  • Heart of the Matter

    The first thing that usually comes to mind when thinking of a way to surprise your favorite person on Valentine's Day is a cozy, romantic...

  • Living Single

    I am, at heart, an introvert. It's not that I don't have friends (I have a few) or don't like people (some of you are...

  • Turbocharged Practicality

    What are the words that describe a Subaru? Useful. Utilitarian. Practical. There's a theme, you see. That's not to say the 2008 Subaru Outback is...

  • Domestic Bliss

    When I was 25 and at the height of my twinkie powers, the idea of settling down seemed romantic but unlikely. The idea of getting...