Metro Weekly


  • Showing Some Skin

    Photography by Michael Wichita Between the ASGRA gay rodeo and leather weekend, the gay community ensures that D.C. will experience an influx of both chaps...

  • What's in a Word?

    GLAA's Rick Rosendall (Photo by Michael Wichita) Are you now, or have you ever been, a homosexual? Or do you prefer the more modern appellation,...

  • Born Again

    Photography by Michael Wichita In many ways, December 27 was a bigger day for the tabloids than the medical community. The news of the world's...

  • First Lady of Leather

    Photography by Todd Franson ''Many times, I see people who I call ‘sniffers.' They come to the hotel where MAL is held and look around...

  • High Times

    When Arthur Cotton Moore first pulled up to The Cairo in 1974, two men were carrying a corpse out the front door as casually as...

  • So They Say

    Offensive and inspiring. Outrageous and reserved. Perplexing and inspiring. Those are just a few of the ways to describe the outpouring of words MW captured...

  • 2002 in Pictures

    Over 350 photos are featured in this week's printed edition of Metro Weekly. Click on the links below to view photos from our many events...

  • John Alix

    Photography by Jeff

  • Robb Keffer

    Photography by Jeff Code “I love Samurai Jack and Powerpuff Girls. I’m not such a big fan of Space Ghost, but I watch it anyway....

  • Garrett Hurd

    Photography by Jeff Code “Gee, I sound like the most boring person in the entire world,” Garrett Hurd thought as he made his way through...

  • 26 Questions for Melissa Etheridge (2002)

    Melissa Etheridge answers the Nightlife Coverboy questions.

  • Melissa Etheridge: The Metro Weekly Interview

    Melissa Etheridge's staunch refusal to compromise her artistry has allowed her to remain true -- to her fans, to her music, and to herself.

  • Late Night Feeding

    Photography by Michael Wichita Brain: We're drunk, we're tired, we've spent too much money. The night is now over. Go home. Stomach: Uh, ahem? Down...

  • Marga Gomez

    ''I idolized my father,'' says Marga Gomez, recalling her youth in New York City with her Puerto Rican-born mother, a dancer, and Cuban-born father, a...

  • History Lessons

    Photography by Michael Wichita ''I can't believe they got it wrong. '' Edward Phillips stands among thirteen packing crates in the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum's...