Metro Weekly

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  • Peter's Pride

    ''A lot of people miss the Roxy and the big-room experience,'' says Peter Rauhofer. ''We saw this as an opportunity.'' For many years, Rauhofer served...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: It's going to be a humdinger of an informational experience. And the emotional component won't be easily shoved aside. How will you keep...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: It's hard to deny you're between a rock and a hard place. On the other hand, you've been there long enough that you're...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: You've been verging on radical dissatisfaction with the status quo for so long you can't remember how it felt to be contented all...

  • Red Hot

    ''It's not going to be like any other night at Apex,'' says Adam Ross Wilson, who is bringing his party Calor to city's longest-running gay...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: Things wobble slowly towards maximum stasis. Once they reach their natural still point, they'll wind back up and begin the process all over...

  • The 17th Street Flash revealed…

    But not unmasked…

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: Who're you trying to kid? Sometimes you must tear it down to build it up. Sometimes you must go back to the beginning...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: Gracious! Whatever happened to being gracious in the face of difficulty? Being a mean-spirited winner is almost worse than being a poor loser....

  • Happy Hours

    ''I had never bartended before in my life,'' says Eduardo Sevilla Jr. of the time five years ago when he went from being a regular...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: If discontent were divine, we'd all die of ecstasy. But that's not the likeliest scenario. There's an itch, emanating from the cosmos, that...

  • Stateside Arrival

    ''One of the things we wanted to do was bring some of the fun back to dance music,'' says James Wiltshire, referring to the impetus...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: What color is your parachute? More importantly, will it open when push comes to shove and the ground is hurtling towards you? Check...

  • Leather! Rubber! Fleas! Oh my!

    Looking for a used jock? Or hand-me-down leather chaps? Well then, has Hearsay got the fleas for you! If you ever needed a reason to...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: It's time to make up your mind. It's time to change your mind. It's time to choose and reflect on your choices. It's...