Metro Weekly


  • Cuccinelli: The Second Coming of Santorum

    I'm going to share my dirty little secret: I kind of miss Rick Santorum. Sure, he's a nerdy bully who can froth at the mouth...

  • Blowing Up the Coalition

    Clarence Mitchell, the civil-rights activist and longtime chief lobbyist for the NAACP, used to tell of something then-Senate Democratic leader Lyndon Johnson often said to...

  • Their Bodies, Their Selves

    So I was at one of the many gay events where I seem to find myself more and more often these days when I asked...

  • Steeple Chasing

    There are probably plenty of things you haven't seen until you've seen them done New Orleans style. Taking my husband to the Big Easy last...

  • Rearguard Actions

    To be honest, it's daunting at this point to write about the Supreme Court and marriage equality because we're in one of those cultural moments...

  • Days of Miracle and Wonder

    ''These are the days of miracle and wonder,'' sings the American, backed by African rhythms as a vast crowd dances. Paul Simon was not talking...

  • Thank You, Sen. Portman

    Family is defined in many ways. It's a couple with kids, a couple without, maybe some pets, or maybe a network of friends who are...

  • The Politics of Pain

    Whether we're twink or bear, gaybro or drag queen, lipstick or butch, we all share one cultural touchstone: coming out. While the concept has been...

  • Seeing the Light

    In January 1959, only three months into his pontificate, John XXIII called for the convening of Vatican II, which actually opened in October of 1962...

  • Keeping Games Out of Will & Grace-land

    Confession time: I never really watched Will & Grace. There are a number of small reasons for this — including the fact that I wasn't...

  • Forgiving Bill Clinton

    Gay opinions on Bill Clinton were always mixed. On election night in 1992, Washington's Shoreham Hotel – where gay activists had zapped the American Psychiatric...

  • Of Meteorites and Marriage

    About 20 days ago, a blazing meteorite tore through our atmosphere and exploded over Russia. This was a minor rock, relatively speaking, didn't even see...

  • The Naked Truth

    Whether it's because of ancient locker-room nightmares or present day fluctuations in my weight, I have body issues. A few years ago, when I was...

  • Picking and Choosing

    Because my life isn't simply about being gay, I spend a lot of time thinking about issues that are important to me even if they...

  • Solicitor General Files Fair-minded DOMA Brief

    The new media were ablaze on the evening of Feb. 22 after U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli filed a brief in United States v. Windsor...