Metro Weekly


  • Beyond the Border

    When you think of the ongoing battle for lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, intersex (LGBTI) rights, which activists stand out in your mind? My guess is...

  • Black Pride Reckoning

    Around this time, I generally find myself reflecting on recent events that have impacted the black LGBT community, not only in Washington, but around the...

  • The Crazy Uncle Party

    New York novelist Dawn Powell wrote on the cusp of World War II, ''Civilization stood on a ledge, and in the tension of waiting it...

  • How To Be Gay

    I've been many different gay men over the course of my life. Like most of us, I started off as the closeted gay man who...

  • The Search Must Continue

    As HIV-vaccine trial participants, we grow accustomed to the routine blood draws, interacting with study staff and taking our computer-assisted interviews that catalog our risks....

  • Creating Space

    It was just over five-and-a-half years ago that I first brought the idea of the Next Generation Awards to Metro Weekly. Because I happen to...

  • A Star Is Born

    Jason Collins is not the first active professional athlete to come out. Tennis star Martina Navratilova came out in 1981. Her courageous act, however, was...

  • Annuals of Spring

    Anyone familiar with my writings round these parts already knows that I am solipsism central, so I'll just jump right to the point and say...

  • Accidental Activism

    When I met my husband, Kelly Vielmo, almost 11 years ago, neither of us did anything that might be labeled ''activism'' on behalf of gay...

  • Good Times for Bad Boys

    Long story short, I found myself cruising around the Tidal Basin in the back of a black limousine with famed porn director Chi-Chi LaRue, a...

  • Preventing a Mob

    On April 19, after the arrest of bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (hereinafter ''Johar''), residents of Boston's Watertown neighborhood applauded the police and chanted, ''USA! USA!''...

  • Asian-American Voices for Immigration

    This week, the Senate introduced a bill on comprehensive immigration reform, taking our national conversation on this issue to the next level. With legislative battles...

  • Immigration Reform, Marriage and Gay Rights

    Like basically every other white person who happens to be a citizen of the United States of America, I'm the product of immigration. I come...

  • Rallying for Referendum 8

    As the citizens of our nation's capital prepare to head to the polls once more, there are two very important items in the upcoming April...

  • Apology Politics and Anita Bonds

    I have been following the recent furor over Councilmember Anita Bonds's response to a statement made by George T. Johnson – a local leader in...