Metro Weekly


  • Finding a Lost Son

    I begin with a spoiler alert: If you have not seen the movie Philomena, you may want to see it before reading further. It is...

  • Duck Amuck

    One of the more frustrating aspects of the annual media rite of ''Year in Review'' stories is that they start hitting around Dec. 1, which...

  • Rationing Religious Freedom

    The religious right is fighting to turn America's religious freedom from a shield into a sword against public policies and groups they dislike. Posing as...

  • The Hope for the Pope

    So here we are, nearing the end of 2013 under the annual bombardment of year-in-reviews and ''Person of the Year'' covers. While I enjoy reading...

  • Book 'Em

    Currently, I have 19 books on my nightstand, which makes it less of a nightstand and more of a bookshelf. If I were answering Coverboy...

  • Holiday Wish List

    My, it's been a big year. Particularly so for gay Americans, thanks to the Supreme Court gutting the Defense of Marriage Act. Then again, for...

  • Francis the Evangelist

    I wanted to speak to Pope Francis last week when I encountered the phrase ''openness to the transcendent'' in his apostolic exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium (The...

  • Funny Business

    Not long ago, I submitted myself to a full physical at my doctor's office after much concerned haranguing from husband and family. It's heartwarming that...

  • The Intimate Act of Disclosure

    As we approach another World AIDS Day I find myself reflecting on one of the most troubling elements in our discussion moving forward. It is...

  • Stand Up, Write Back

    There is something electric about being in an LGBTQ space. The spark, the sizzle of energy, compassion and willingness to both question and listen fills...

  • Holiday Blue Notes

    The holidays are approaching, but events are making it hard to get in the festive spirit. Not only is a friend spamming me with polls...

  • Mary Cheney Gets Contrary

    It's hard being the family gay. When you're the first in your family to come out — meaning the active choice to live your life...

  • Listening and Learning

    With the holidays around the corner, plenty of us are bound to find ourselves in alien surroundings. It might be at the family home of...

  • It's the ENDA the World (as We Know It)

    About five years into Barack Obama's socialistic — or fascistic, depending on which side of the bed congressional Republicans woke up on this morning —...

  • A Pox on Purity

    In political advocacy, as in statecraft, purity is a luxury an effective practitioner cannot afford. The tea party's aggressive push for ideological purity has yielded...