Metro Weekly


  • A Call to Coalition

    Defeating the right-wing backlash requires a revitalized liberal coalition

  • In your face, with cake

    Reactions to Michael Sam kissing his boyfriend on ESPN show his impact.

  • A Next Generation Dream

    And so but wow, what an amazing few years we’ve been through, right? That sounds a bit flip — well, more than a bit — but...

  • Draw Your Weapon

    A friend on Facebook last weekend posted a provocative meme by Ricky Gervais that said, “Blasphemy: a law to protect an all-powerful, supernatural deity from...

  • An Amazing Journey

    I’m not the man I used to be. If you look at a picture of me from 20 years ago, you’ll recognize me even though...

  • Finding Hope at Youth Pride Day

    In my early teenaged years as I navigated adolescence and high school, it was hard to imagine what my future would hold. Where would I...

  • Ding-A-Lings of Spring

    The rain of ridiculous ravings from America’s political right continued unabated as spring took hold. Let’s look at a few examples. Last week, Chelsea Clinton...

  • A Thought for Food & Friends

    Roughly 12 years ago, I was toiling on the floor of a pal’s dining room, constructing a banner. I’d just begun dating the man I’d...

  • The ”Sore Winners” Fallacy

    Several prominent gay writers deplored the furor that brought down Brendan Eich as CEO of Mozilla Corp. last week for supporting California’s anti-gay Proposition 8....

  • Twin Birthdays

    Celebrating my husband’s birthday last week, there were a couple unintentional themes at play. I’d taken him to Puerto Rico for a long weekend, a...

  • The Universe in Us

    Carl Sagan, host of the original 1980 Cosmos series, said we are made of star stuff, because our atoms were created billions of years ago...

  • RIP, Fred Phelps

    While many people will be celebrating the death of Fred Phelps, whose name is synonymous with irrational hate and vitriol, I think that today the...

  • Washington as the Globe’s Gay Capital

    Earlier this month, I shared a post on my Facebook wall regarding Dmitry Kiselyov. The post was critical of the anti-Western, anti-LGBT Kiselyov, taking what...

  • The Right To Be Wrong

    I have been fighting the Catholic Church since I first argued with a nun at St. Catherine Labouré Elementary School in 1962. I don't recall...

  • A Wish for Ukraine

    The Crimean Peninsula is an autonomous republic within Ukraine, and the home to the Russian Black Sea Fleet, in Sevastopol, in accordance with a bilateral...