Metro Weekly


  • Asian, Party of One

    So while I was driving my nephew back to Falls Church for a weekend visit, we were having a conversation about the experience of 8th...

  • The Ruling Classless

    I consider myself fortunate that I took off last week to work on another project because about the last thing in the world I wanted...

  • A Moon for Misrule

    If a full moon makes people crazy, what's their excuse the rest of the month? This haunting question arose on Oct. 18 as I sat...

  • Phallocentric Fallacy

    Earlier this month, The Washington Times printed some commentary by Matt Philbin of the Reston, Va.-based Media Research Center. Essentially, he's disturbed by transgender self-identification,...

  • Government, Cheesed

    In the summer of 1991 I scraped together some coins from my rapidly depleting change bowl and hopped on the 14th Street bus that took...

  • Garrison Gibbons Rises Above Hate

    The night started like any other performance at Ole Miss. The house lights dimmed, the stage lights came up, and our production of The Laramie...

  • Buffoonery on the Brink

    The brinkmanship in Washington is getting a little heady, so let's summarize: The thug from Texas by way of Princeton and Harvard says to The...

  • Letter from Belgrade

    Calling a country ''democratic'' doesn't necessarily mean much when it comes to human rights. At least, not in Serbia, with its hopes of being accepted...

  • The Biggest Losers

    You have to admit that as gay people we have some considerable experience at losing. While the pace of change in recent years for LGBT...

  • Is the Pope Catholic?

    I am grateful to have a pope who does not remind me of Emperor Palpatine. This does not exhaust my hopes for the papacy, but we're...

  • From Test to Total Health

    One of the cornerstones of HIV prevention and message is ''Know your status, get tested.'' But I want to tell you the hard truth: It's...

  • Ready? Set! No.

    Even after a few years of watching it grow, I still find myself fascinated daily by my Facebook feed. The thousand or so ''friends'' I...

  • Change Is Good

    My Facebook identity needs a change. For weeks, my profile photo has been the Trayvon Martin stylized black-and-white hoodie. My cover photo is Evgeny Feldman's...

  • Comfortably Numb

    One of my instinctual reactions to bad news or worse people is humor, which is why I've always enjoyed writing about Ken Cuccinelli, Rick Santorum...

  • Three Steps to the Future

    It's an old saw of journalism that if you can string together three related instances you have a trend or, at least, a think piece....