Bishop Neophytos of Morphou also claims gay men have a unique "nasty smell"
The bimonthly reading group is throwing a "lit party" at the DC Center on May 15
Arrests come amid government efforts to out LGBTQ people and prosecute them under anti-sodomy laws
Salt Lake County communications director also attacks PrEP, "sex parties," and STDs as causes of suicide among gay men
George Takei on everything from Star Trek to Leonard Bernstein to his new cat app that pokes fun at our "fake president."
Eric Jon Schmidt does not believe explicit photos and videos of him having sex will hurt his campaign
The Russian newspaper that first reported on the persecution and detention of gay and bisexual men in secret prisons inside Chechnya is reporting that the total number...
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DeGeneres took to Twitter to inform her followers of the abductions, torture and murder occurring in the Russian province
A new class-action lawsuit alleges that New York Port Authority police have been targeting men suspected to be gay or gender non-conforming and arresting them...
The election of Donald Trump has made the dragapella group The Kinsey Sicks more relevant -- and necessary -- than ever
Ron Simmons has led Us Helping Us for a quarter of a century. Now he's handing the keys to the next generation. On World AIDS...
Are hookup apps to blame for the rise in HIV and sexually-transmitted infections?
Lance Bass thinks being gay might be why his music hasn't gotten the attention it deserves
GAMMA provides support for gay men who are married to women